Play transforms urban space

When I, think of the city I do not think of Hoddle’s grid.

I remember walking through the city weaving my way through the arcades and shops trying to reach my destination with the smallest possible exposure to the sky.  It was neither the rain nor the sun that dictated my route but the rules of play.

On different days my path would take its own diversions – seeking different pleasures the rich aromas of coffee roasting and chocolate shops, hidden record bars and book traders, the smell of spicy curries or leather shoes.  Some days speed would be important whilst on other days stealth …but never the streets of Hoddles grid.

The playground is everywhere in our streets and our city it is created when we change the rules. The city is transformed when we change our point of view.

Do not look for it in the city in the soulless data of the Locative Urbanist or the opaque musings of the Master Codemaker.  Once I though them great architects, men of vision but since the virus I question their motives.

We must redefine the city through event.
The question is how do you, the player, use games to create new kinds of relationships and new ways to experience the complexity of urban space?
Document and post your theories. Hurry there may not be much time.

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