Week 6: Ecologies

Play is the immune system of the city – to enjoy, feel safe and feel free to play in public space is essential. The Crossmedia Ecologist has tagged sites that provide suitable habitats for play by urban entities.

Habitats for ecologies of play. Both natural and artificial: emergent ecologies, cultivated ecologies.

Urban ecologies. Crossmedia ecologies. The cycling of media and flow of energy through an ecosystem.

The Crossmedia Ecologist studies the relations of urban organisms to each other and their surroundings. Crossmedia ecologies create feedback loops between memes and entities in a live communication system. Through her work hierarchies of pattern and process can be identified through the ways we play in the city.

Transmedia communication thrives on a diversity of media and generative arrangement of message types, forms and interactions. The flow of people’s attention through these networks feeds crossmedia ecologies. People play, langauges grow.

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2 Responses to Week 6: Ecologies

  1. Pingback: Way of the Ecologist | CROSSMEDIA ECOLOGY

  2. Pingback: Week 8: Creatures | Urban Codemakers

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